A video production client

Fintech News Network

Fintech News & Media Channel

Fintech News Network (FNN) is a media platform that provides updates and insights on the latest developments and trends within the fintech industry. Recently, they have introduced video content to their audience, which not only increases engagement but also increases revenue from sponsorships. To achieve this, FNN collaborated with our video production team to produce a series of video essays and to document all the events and interviews at the Singapore Fintech Festival 2022, one of the most prominent events in the fintech calendar.

Photo of the event coverage of 2 men interviewing
Play Video about Photo of the event coverage of 2 men interviewing

What the World's Largest Fintech Event Taught us About The Future of Fintech

Fintech News Network | Our Work | Bobby Ong Studios
Play Video about Photo of 4 individuals interacting with their mobile phones

The Age of Hyper Personalisation in Banking

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